
Conservation Canada


Meet the Team

Peter Baker Director

Peter Baker directs Pew’s marine conservation work in Canada and also works with Pew’s global marine habitat team. The work includes protecting special habitats, encouraging ecosystem-based fisheries management, and addressing the entanglement of right whales in fishing gear. Since joining Pew, Baker has led efforts to establish science-based annual catch limits, protect forage fish, and safeguard sensitive marine habitats, including deep-sea corals.

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Marci Cochran Senior Administrative Assistant

Marci Cochran focuses on supporting Steve Ganey, Pew’s vice president, environment, and head of the Portland, Oregon, office; the conservation Canada team; and cross-cutting functions. She coordinates the Portland office and also is a certified master recycler for the city of Portland, volunteering to educate the community about recycling. Before joining Pew, Cochran was the office manager for the Regional Arts & Culture Council in Portland, focusing on integrating the arts into the community. Cochran holds a bachelor’s degree in human development from Warner Pacific College and a master’s in communication from Regent University.

Victoria Sheppard Senior Officer

Victoria Sheppard helps to lead Pew’s conservation Canada project in Ottawa (on traditional unceded territory of the Anishnaabeg people), where she works with partners to ensure progress toward Canada’s marine conservation goals, from marine protection to sustainable fishing to low-impact shipping. Previously, Sheppard spent two years as a manager with Pew’s ending overfishing in northwestern Europe and international fisheries northeast Atlantic campaigns.

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