Pew Advances a Comprehensive Approach to Limiting Climate Change Impacts
Highlights of ongoing work on fiscal planning, resilience strategy, and nature-based solutions

The Pew Charitable Trusts promotes a nonpartisan, multiple-policy-area approach to address the impacts of a changing climate. Pew leads and supports convenings of climate leaders and stakeholders—including as a sponsor of the 2024 National Adaptation Forum—to build a shared understanding of climate conditions and risks, and to identify effective, scalable solutions.
Pew helps state leaders update budgeting practices to better financially prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters—and promotes local, state, and regional planning to help communities and nature withstand climate impacts. At the federal level, Pew advances policies that improve how agencies coordinate with and support state and local resilience efforts.
The resources collected here highlight some of Pew’s climate adaptation and mitigation work.
Manage fiscal risks
- Key Resources for Natural Disaster Budgeting
- The State of State Natural Disaster Management
- Congress Can Improve Budgeting for Wildfire Management
- Wildfires: Burning Through State Budgets
Conserve and expand natural carbon sinks
- U.S. States Play Major Role Boosting, Expanding ‘Blue Carbon’
- Coastal ‘Blue Carbon’: An Important Tool for Combating Climate Change
- How States Can Develop Blue Carbon Programs
- How North Carolina Incorporated Seagrasses Into Its Blue Carbon Inventory
- How Oregon Built Its Blue Carbon Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Peatlands, Which Can Help Fight Against Climate Change, Face Many Threats