
Supporting the Greater Philadelphia Area


Pew Fund for Health and Human Services in Philadelphia

Enhancing Health and Well-Being in the Greater Philadelphia Region

Through the Pew Fund for Health and Human Services in Philadelphia, The Pew Charitable Trusts supports nonprofit organizations that promote the health and well-being of people facing complex challenges rooted in poverty. Pew Fund grants help local social services organizations expand their reach and impact in the Philadelphia region and implement promising solutions to emerging problems or gaps in service delivery.

Grant programs

The Pew Fund provides two types of grants:

Venture grants: Flexible funding that enables organizations to meet an emerging need or fill a critical service gap for a specific population while using data to increase a program’s sustainability and impact over the grant period. These grants support promising solutions that have the potential to create “ripple effects” on sector-wide practices, policies, or systems. The awards range from $100,000 to $300,000 over three years and are nonrenewable. To be considered for support in this category, an organization must have an operating budget of at least $400,000.

Growth grants: Flexible, multiyear investments that strengthen health and human services agencies’ capacity to provide more low-income individuals with research-informed services. These grants support the expansion of proven services and programs in the Philadelphia region.  The grants range from $750,000 to $4 million over five years, with the possibility of renewal based on performance. To be considered for support in this category, an organization must have an operating budget of at least $2 million.

Focus areas, eligibility and selection process

Through 2025 the Pew Fund will focus on supporting organizations that address the following issue areas:

  • Benefits and income supports.
  • Workforce development.

Pew Fund staff members identify organizations on a rolling basis and invite them to participate in a rigorous review process. Decisions on funding requests are made on a quarterly basis, in March, June, September, and December. To be eligible for funding, an organization must:

  • Have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
  • Provide services in Pennsylvania’s Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and/or Philadelphia counties.
  • Have three years of financial statements.

For more information on our process, please visit the Pew Fund’s frequently asked questions page. After reading the FAQ, organizations that meet the specified criteria can inquire about funding by filling out our online form.

Training and technical assistance for grantees

Grantees receiving either type of funding are eligible for additional training and technical assistance through Pew’sevaluation capacity building initiative, which helps strengthen grantee organizations’ ability to collect, analyze, and use data to understand and improve their programs.

Pew Fund history

Since 1991, the Pew Fund has played an important role in supporting the needs of Philadelphia-area residents facing challenges to their health and well-being—including those related to poverty, mental illness, and homelessness—by enhancing local nonprofits’ collective ability to develop and offer high-quality services.

Since its inception, the fund has invested $265 million in more than 350 local organizations—and in the past five years alone, Pew’s support has helped grantees assist 80,000 to 100,000 people annually. Moving forward, our goal is to have an even more meaningful impact in the region by helping nonprofits continue to expand their use of evidence-based services.


The Pew Fund began awarding venture and growth grants in June 2020. Following is a list of those grantees to date.

Venture grantees:The Attic Youth Center, Bethanna, Boys & Girls Clubs of PhiladelphiaCenter for Black Educator Development, Child Guidance Resource CenterChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Violence Intervention ProgramDrexel University’s Healing Hurt People programElevate 215, Health Federation of Philadelphia, Impact Services, New Kensington Community Development Corporation, PhilabundancePhiladelphia Children’s AlliancePhilly Joy Bank, Prevention PointPuentes de SaludSharing ExcessSpringboard CollaborativeTeach PlusTemple University Hospital’s Trauma Victim Support Advocates programThomas Jefferson University’s Center for Supportive Healthcare, Turning Points for Children’s LifeSet ProgramUniversity of Pennsylvania’s Pediatric Anxiety Treatment Center at Hall-Mercer, Valley Youth House, and Women Against Abuse.

Growth grantees:Benefits Data TrustCenter for Families and RelationshipsChildren’s Crisis Treatment CenterCompass Working CapitalEsperanza Health CenterHeights PhiladelphiaMANNAMaternal and Child Health Consortium, Maternity Care Coalition, Mazzoni Center, ParentChild+, Pathways to Housing PA, Project HOME, SeniorLAW Center, and University City District’s West Philadelphia Skills Initiative.

Before June 2020, the Pew Fund provided three-year grants to organizations serving specific populations. Press releases announcing our grants, as well as other content related to our grantees, can be found in the “Our Work” section below.

Two people talking at an outdoor table surrounded by greenery and red flowers.
Two people talking at an outdoor table surrounded by greenery and red flowers.

Nonprofit Strategies to Build Evidence-Based Programs

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When nonprofit organizations use data and evidence effectively, their work can have a stronger and more meaningful impact on their communities, partners, and clients. Since 2018, more than 50 Pew Fund for Health and Human Services in Philadelphia grantees in the Greater Philadelphia area have participated in The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Evaluation Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI) to learn how to collect, analyze, and use data to strengthen their programs and services to enhance their impact on the communities they serve.

A smiling woman—wearing ripped blue jeans, a black graphic shirt, and a jean jacket—raises her arms and holds up a key while standing in the doorway of a stone building.
A smiling woman—wearing ripped blue jeans, a black graphic shirt, and a jean jacket—raises her arms and holds up a key while standing in the doorway of a stone building.
Press Releases & Statements

Pew Awards $4M to Support Services for Older Philadelphians

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Press Releases & Statements

The Pew Charitable Trusts announced today $4 million in awards to three Philadelphia-area nonprofit organizations that are working to improve the lives of older residents. With Pew’s support, the grantees—Pathways to Housing PA, Health Federation of Philadelphia, and SeniorLAW Center—will greatly expand their capacity to provide critical services. These will include stable housing and improved health outcomes for people experiencing homelessness, including older adults; supporting a new approach to provide housing and care for older adults with serious mental illness; and increasing the number of older adults receiving free legal representation, while improving policies that impact seniors’ well-being.

A child reads a hardcover book at Maternity Care Coalition’s Early Head Start child care and early education center in South Philadelphia. In the background, a few other children and an adult sit nearby.
A child reads a hardcover book at Maternity Care Coalition’s Early Head Start child care and early education center in South Philadelphia. In the background, a few other children and an adult sit nearby.
Press Releases & Statements

Pew Awards $8M to Address Health & Education in Philadelphia

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Press Releases & Statements

PHILADELPHIA—The Pew Charitable Trusts announced today that it has awarded more than $8 million to Philadelphia-area nonprofit organizations working to improve maternal and infant health for low-income families; increase the availability of health, housing, and social services for LGBTQ+ youth; and test new approaches to address the city’s K-12 teacher shortage, with a focus on attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.

Our Work

A group of elementary and middle school students, most wearing yellow T-shirts, play basketball in a colorful gym.

Nonprofit Leaders Share Capacity Building Program Lessons

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Philadelphia Youth Basketball (PYB), a 2019 Pew Fund for Health and Human Services grantee, uses basketball to help the city’s children and adolescents build the skills they need to be successful on and off the court—in their education, communities, and eventual careers.


Pew Grantee Heights Philadelphia Helps Students Succeed

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Heights Philadelphia, a Pew Fund for Health and Human Services in Philadelphia growth grant recipient and participant in Pew’s Evaluation Capacity Building Initiative, works with low-income students, with an emphasis on Black, Latino, and first-generation-to-college youth. Its programs, which take place at local middle and high schools and at colleges around the country, help students set and achieve goals for educational and career success.

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The Pew Fund
25 Years of Support for the Vulnerable