Rock County CAFO
The proposal to build the Rock Prairie Dairy in the Town of Bradford, Wisconsin generated concerns regarding the potential negative health implications that may result from the creation of such a large animal operation. The community was also concerned that concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) regulations were insufficient with respect to public health and did not provide local governments the necessary authority to address health impacts. The proposed dairy will be built on 124 acres and at full capacity will house 5,200 milking and dry cows. An estimated 73,753,578 gallons of wastewater will be produced by the farm per year and the facility will include waste storage lagoons and a storm retention pond.
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Publication date:2011, May
Decision-making levels:County
Sectors:Agriculture, Industrial
Additional topic areas:Production, Siting, Water, Waste management, Regulation
Drivers of health:Clean air and water, Disease vectors, Income and wealth
Affected populations:Children, Economically disadvantaged, Older adults, Racial and ethnic minorities
Community types:Rural
Research methods:Literature review, Primary research
Funding source:Other funding