Tumalo Community Plan
This HIA was designed to examine the health implications of policies contained within a proposed community plan for Tumalo, Oregon. The Tumalo Community Plan (TCP) was one small part of a larger, comprehensive 20-year plan update for Deschutes County. The determinants of health that were assessed by this HIA include: physical activity; traffic safety; "rural livability," which often speaks to social capital/cohesion; access to goods and services; and frequency of recreation. Recommendations centered around three primary objectives: 1) improving the safety and accessibility of the major highway that runs through town; 2) creating new parks and other necessary infrastructure to maximize the safe and healthy use of riverfront property as a recreational facility; and 3) building trails or other connections between existing recreational facilities—such as Tumalo State Park—and downtown, local schools and businesses.
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Publication date:2010
Decision-making levels:County
Sectors:Planning and zoning
Additional topic areas:Active transportation, Long-range planning, Parks and green spaces
Drivers of health:Access to services/medical care, Diet and physical activity, Family and social support, Safe and accessible active transportation routes, Safe and affordable parks and recreational facilities, Safe street infrastructure
Affected populations:Chronic health conditions, Children
Community types:Urban
Research methods:Primary research, Qualitative research, Literature review
Funding source:Other funding